Write A Thank You Letter

You don’t have to write a four-page love letter to your customer. You should, however, send thank you cards with your online orders. Send personalized thank you emails to everyone who purchases something in the last month, three months, or six months. Your customers need to know that you appreciate their business.

Discount Code

I know, I know, everyone and their mother has a discount code. However, people love discount codes. People like to save money, and your customers are people. You can email the discount codes, share them on your social media, or put them on cards that are in your store. Of course, pick a discount code that works for your business.

Send A Birthday Message

Who doesn’t love birthday wishes? You may have customers who don’t want to give their birthday information however, there are several things you can do. You can post a “Happy Birthday March Customers” on social media. You can include a birthday message in your newsletters. Think outside the box and make your customer’s special day extra special.

Remember 2021 is the year of “Thank You”. Your customers will appreciate you for it.